Pneumonia is a serious infection of the lung that can be caused by any of several different infectious agents including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and mycoplasma. The infection causes tiny air sacs in the lung area to become inflamed and filled with mucus and pus thereby inhibiting oxygen from reaching the blood. Pneumonia is typically preceded by an upper respiratory infection such as a cold, influenza. Bacterial pneumonia can be extremely dangerous and may come on either suddenly or gradually, usually as a complication of other health problem such as respiratory disease, a weakened immune system of viral infection.


Symptoms include chills, fever, fatigue, shaking, productive cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, dehydration, malaise, wheezing, fast heart rate.

Nutrients and Medications used to prevent and treat Pneumonia.


Nutrients include colloidal silver, garlic, Vitamin A, B and C, Zinc, ginger, echinacea. Pneumonia is a dangerous condition that should be followed by a healthcare provider. Mild cases of pneumonia can be treated with oral antibiotics while some cases may require inpatient admission with treatment that includes in antibiotic, oxygen therapy, IV fluids for rehydration, respiratory treatment and pulmonary rehabilitation.




Drink lots of fresh juices. Liquids help to thin the lung secretions.

Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke.

Use a humidifier or vaporizer to add moisture to the air.

Avoid mucus forming food such as dairy products, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Do not swallow mucus, expel mucus.

Apply warm moist heat to chest area and back before bedtime to aid in sleeping and reduce inflammation.

Pneumococcal vaccine provides protection against more than twenty different strains of microorganisms that can cause pneumonia, it is recommended for anyone without a spleen, anyone with a chronic disease especially diseases that affects the lungs and everyone over the age of sixty-five.




  1. A humidifier is a great addition for anyone who deals with this disease


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